Apparently, Erick and I have extremely high standards when choosing our Christmas tree. This year we went to six different tree farms over the course of two weekends in our search for “the” tree. I don’t think we’re asking too much, it just has to be the right height, not too big, not too small, sturdy branches, deep green coloring, no big gaps or holes (ha ha). Two years ago we started a tradition of cutting down our own tree. We would plan the day weeks in advance. The morning of we’d get up early, lace up our boots and drive about an hour away. I love the vibe at this particular tree farm. They always have Christmas music playing and Santa posing for pictures with children. There’s beautiful scenery with the evergreen trees and mountains in the background. Everyone’s in a great mood. Well, that is until you’ve been walking a field of trees for over an hour and still can’t decide on one. We decided to keep searching and left the first farm empty handed. Five places later, we finally found the tree that is now standing tall in our living room. I know there’s a lesson in here somewhere; life’s not perfect, never give up, you’re nuts just pick a tree? Probably the last one.
We still have a box of ornaments to be added and a bow topper I made last year, but right now we’re enjoying the simplicity of the white lights and burlap tree skirt.